Open the door to the future, step on through and start a new chapter!
MIX JUICE がリニューアルし、新たなステージへ突入する…。
EDM、TOP40 をメインに様々なエレクトロニックミュージックで構成される平日ならではのオールジャンルパーティー、ネクストジェネレーション artists を中心に展開され、哀愁 × 陶酔 × 感動が入り混じり mixture されることは間違いないだろう。
レジデントは今年13年目を迎えたロングランパーティーの UP BEAT! 主宰 YAMARIKI、そして若手の中でも成長著しい TSUBASA が務め、全てのクラウドを歓喜の渦へと誘う!平日の楽しみ方、そして新たなカルチャーが MIX JUICE から生まれる事を期待して欲しい。
MIX JUICE has been renovated, and has entered a whole new stage...
Our weekdays will now include all sorts of electronic music, with a main emphasis on EDM and TOP 40 hits, our ALL GENRE MUSIC PARTY. We are expanding our focus onto next generation artists, and we bet there's nothing wrong with a mixture of Pathos x Intoxication x Passion, right?
Our resident this year will be YAMARIKI, president of the long-running party UP BEAT! which is currently in its 13th consecutive year. We shall also have TSUBASA with us, who despite his youth is strikingly mature. They will induce the whole crowd into a frenzy of joy! We hope you are looking forward to this new way of enjoying your weekdays, as well as this all-new culture which is to be born out of MIX JUICE.