Tokyo で最も煌びやかなパーティー、Show Me Love が遂に始動する。記念すべき第1回目は Tomorrowland を手掛ける ID&T が運営するレーベル BIG&DIRTY とのコラボレーション!
レジデントは、Ultra Europa 2015 をはじめ世界中のフェスやベニューから引っ張りだこの DANTZ、そして長きに渡り東京のナイトシーンを牽引する盟友 DAIJIRO の2人の実力派が務める。ゲストには Hardwell や Nicky Romero、Don Diablo 等世界の Top プロデューサーからサポートされ、2016WMC にて今年最もブレイクするアーティスト No.1 に輝いた Bobby Rock が日本初登場となり、世界水準のパーティーを披露する。また来日タイミングに合わせてリリースされる DANTZ との共作も必聴!
Show Me Love の名前にふさわしい Special Show Case をプロデュースするのは2度の世界一に輝いたポールダンス界の世界女王 akane☆Platinum。WOMB の空間を活かし、世界一の Pole Dance Show で観客を魅了する。
VIP Lounge では”WASSHOI”が DJMAG Top100 2016 の VOTE スタートを記念し 2015 の Top100 の楽曲全てを聴く事が出来る企画を開催。
見所満載の Special なパーティーの幕開けを見逃さないで欲しい。

After a long wait, Tokyo's most dazzling party, Show Me Love, is about to launch. Its commemorable first edition will be collaboration with BIG&DIRTY, a label run by ID&T, the organizers Tomorrowland!
Show Me Love will feature two talents as resident artist:
DANTZ, an artist who is in high demand, appearing in festivals and venues all over the world, including Ultra Europa 2015; and bosom-buddy DAIJIRO, who has led the Tokyo night scene over many years. Bobby Rock, who shined as this year's most explosively popular artist at 2016WMC, and who has supported by top world-level producers of the likes of Hardwell, Nicky Romero, and Don Diablo, will be making his first appearance in Japan. This will make for the launch of a truly world-class party. Released to coincide with his visit to Japan are his not-to-be-missed tracks jointly produced with DANTZ!
Befitting the name "Show Me Love," the event will also feature a Special Show Case by akane☆Platinum, the queen of the pole dancing world, who has starred as the world's number one pole dancer on two occasions. Taking advantage of the space at WOMB, she will be presenting a world-class Pole Dance Show to captivate our guests.
Meanwhile, in the VIP Lounge, WASSHOI will be commemorating the commencement of VOTES for DJMAG Top100 2016 and presenting the opportunity to hear all Top 100 tracks from 2015.
This is special party, packed with attractions—something that we don't want you to miss.