Due to popular demand, we have already sold out of advance tickets, but you can still enter by paying at the door price. In addition, if WOMB becomes too crowded, there may be a limit on the amount of people allowed in, so it is recommended that you arrive sooner than later.
※ Please refrain from arriving before the opening time to avoid bothering the neighboring buildings. We kindly ask that you arrive at the opening time.
PKCZ® による TOKYO 発ニューパーティーがついに始動!
未知なる体験を与えるパーティー ChamberZ が 7/15(金) 21:00 に開幕!!
多彩なカルチャーをミックスし、未知なる世界へと突き進むクリエイティヴ・プロジェクト PKCZ®が次なるステージへと突入。PKCZ® の音楽性や世界観をクラウドに最短距離で届けるべく、ニューパーティー ChamberZ をスタートさせる。MAKIDAI、VERBAL、DARUMA といった PKCZ® メンバーに加え、3人と共鳴するゲストアーティストも出演予定。まさにこの瞬間、この場所でしか成し得ない体験をプレゼントしていく。PKCZ® の創造性やエンターテインメントなどが詰まった “まだ見ぬ空間 = ChamberZ” へ、いざ!
The new party out of Tokyo from PKCZ® is finally here!
Makidai, Daruma, & Verbal from PKCZ®
plus 3 kindred guest artists scheduled to appear
A party featuring a brand-new experience, ChamberZ, debuts on 7/15 (Fri.) at 21:00!!
The cultural mix of the creative project PKCZ® hits a brand-new stage, continuing the group's venture into the unknown. To take its music skills and worldview directly to the crowd, PKCZ® has launched its new party, ChamberZ. Makidai, Daruma, & Verbal from PKCZ®―plus three guest artists who share PKCZ®'s creative perspective―are scheduled to appear for an experience not to be had anywhere else, at any other moment. PKCZ® brings its creativity and entertainment to create "a never-before-seen space: that's ChamberZ"―and it starts now!