毎回同じアーティストを招くのではなく、東京のシーンに違うサウンドやアーティストたちを紹介し、広めるのがMNML SSGSの目標である。今回、初来日となるT.B. ArthurとIntergalactic Garyを招きContactにてパーティを開催する。
シカゴ出身の謎に包まれたアーティスト、TB Arthurは一度シーンから離れたが、とあるウェアハウスにて見つかったテストプレス版のレコードの評判が広まったのが復活のきっかとなり、また注目を浴びる存在となった。Hard Waxに聞いたところ、彼の存在は謎のままで、「T.B. ArthurはT.B. Arhturだ。」との事。2015年にArgotからリリースされた「Dubs From The DAT」、2016年に自身のレーベル312からリリースした「Psychedelic Relics」は正にアシッドかつアンダーグラウンド テクノである。近年ではBerghainやシカゴのSmart Barでプレイした実績もあることから、彼のライブセットに大いに期待を寄せている。
オランダ東海岸のThe Hague、伝説のI-Fサウンド、そしてMNML SSGSにも過大なる影響を与えたIntergalactic Gary。30年以上DJとして活動している彼のレコードコレクションは別格である。
長年のキャリアと実に優れたミックステクニックで、テクノ、アシッド、ハウス、エレクトロ、イタロなどと様々なジャンルを披露するプレイスタイル。Dekmantel Festivalでもお馴染みの彼は、ヨーロッパ中でギグをこなす。長い間サウンドクラウドにてGaryのセットを聴いてる僕たちにとって、彼が東京でプレイするのを楽しみにしている。4時間に渡るDJセットで彼の深度と実力を理解する事ができることはまたとない機会である。
サポートとしてSapphire SlowとChris SSGがStudioにて登場。パリで開催されたRed Bull Music AcademyやバルセロナのSonar Festivalでプレイを果たしたSapphire Slowsは、過去にFISH Loungeで当パーティでDJプレイを務め上げてきた。今回はメインフロアでどんなプレイをするのか非常に楽しみだ。そしてオープンを努めるのはMNML SSGSの共同創設者、Chris SSG。
Contactフロアでは東京のシーンには欠かせないDavid Dicembreの ‘birthday bush’。誰とプレイをしたいかと聞いた所、’Dr Nishimura’と答えた。良い選択だ。Dr Nishimuraは伝説的人物である。DJとしての知識、Cisco Recordsのバイヤー、DISCOSSESSIONの一員、そして現在Sunline Recordsというオンラインストアを運営している。近年東京での出演の機会こそ稀な彼だが日本で特に尊敬されているDJを見る良い機会である。Birthday boy Davidに引き続き、YouForgot、TropiとTacos on AcidがContactフロアに登場。
One of our main aims with these MNML SSGS parties is to introduce different sounds and artists to the Tokyo scene. We don't just want to be booking the same people every year. So we are really happy that for our next event we are welcoming 2 artists who will be playing Japan for the first time.
Not much is known about TB Arthur, an anonymous producer who has been getting a lot of attention following a series of releases that first appeared in Berlin’s famous Hardwax record store. The story is that he is a forgotten artist from Chicago who was making techno in the 1990s before disappearing. He is self-described as a ‘Bona fide acid artifact of 90s mid west rave culture.’ Well, whoever he is, one thing we are sure of is that he knows his way around machines. He has just released the ‘Psychedelic Relics’ EP on his new 312 label, which Hardwax describes as ‘acid drenched jacking techno tracks’. Sounds good to us! Following recent performances at Berghain and Smart Bar in Chicago, we are very excited to be have TB Arthur playing live for us.
Intergalactic Gary is someone who has devoted his life to the art of DJing, with more than 30 years of experience behind the decks. He is strongly associated with Holland’s west-coast scene and the legendary sound of I-F and The Hague, a big influence on MNML SSGS. Over the years, he has built up a formidable record collection which means – as RA put it – when you are listening to Gary ‘you’re getting schooled as well as entertained.’ His sets effortlessly move from techno, acid, house, electro, italo and everything in between. He is a regular fixture at the Dekmantel festivals and is playing across Europe. We have been constantly listening to Gary’s DJ sets on Soundcloud for a long time now and can’t wait to have him DJ in Tokyo. He’ll be playing a 4 hour set, which gives us the chance to see his depth and ability. Trust us, Gary is someone you want to see.
Completing the lineup for the Studio will be Sapphire Slows and Chris SSG. Sapphire Slows’ profile continues to rise, most recently being part of Red Bull Music Academy in Paris and playing Sonar festival in Barcelona. Sapphire Slows has previously DJ’d for us in the FISH lounge, this time we are looking forward to hearing what she’ll do on the mainfloor. And opening the studio will be Chris SSG, co-founder of MNML SSGS.
For the Contact floor, we are having a ‘birthday bush’ for our good friend David Dicembre, who is also a key part of Tokyo’s techno scene. We asked him who he’d like to have play and his answer was ‘Dr Nishimura’. A good choice… Dr Nishimura is a true legend, famous for his depth of knowledge and skills as a DJ, his role as a buyer for Cisco Records, a member of DISCOSSESSION and now for running the online store Sunline Records. He is not playing in Tokyo so often these days, so this is a great chance to see one of Japan’s most respected DJs. Joining him will be birthday boy David, YouForgot, Tropi and Tacos on Acid.
We’ve programmed a great night of music and are happy to be back at Contact, which we think is a great space. So come join us for what will be a super fun night.
- 2016-07-30 SAT
- 22:00
- Contact
- 3500
- Studio: SSGS
T.B. Arthur - Live
Intergalactic Gary (IFM) - 4 hour DJ set-
Sapphire Slows (Not Not Fun)
Contact: David's birthday bush
Dr Nishimura
David Dicembre (RA Japan)
Tropi (Sunset Driver)
Tacos on Acid