


International Feelからリリース、さらにはOstgut-TonからNick Höppnerとの共作シングル、そして国内外でのDJプレイも高い評価を受けるGonnoをはじめ、Ametsub、Ko Umeharaといった辣腕家がDJプレイ。またライヴではClue-Lから待望の1stアルバムをリリース、インディロックシーンでも(((さらうんど)))として、まさにさまざまな壁を超えた活躍を見せているXTAL、さらに彼の朋友でもあるInner Scienceがともにライヴで登場。またContactフロアでは井上薫がプレイなど、まさにこの国のダンスフロアの芳醇さを示した、そんなパーティに。


A night of domestic artists who continue to gain worldwide recognition

Featuring Gonno, who has been receiving a lot of attention from overseas with releases from International Feel, and a collaboration with Nick Höppner that was released on Ostgut-Ton, will be DJing alongside Ametsub and Ko Umehara. Live performances by XTAL, who has released his long-awaited 1st album on Crue-L Records and crossing musical barriers with his (((Surround))) project in the indie rock scene, and his close friend Inner Science will also take on the stage with his live set. In the Contact Room, we have DJs such as Kaoru Inoue. This party is bound to be a night full of rich flavors on the dance floor brought to you by our very own.