
HOLIC TRAX のオーナー TOMOKI TAMURA 率いるパーティー HOLIC がシルバーウィークに WOMB で開催決定!
ゲストには HOLIC TRAX 設立時からのキーアーティストであり、シーンの最重要人物でもある Mr.G がライブセットで3年振りに WOMB に帰還。MPC を駆使し強烈なインパクトとグルーヴで爆発的にフロアを盛り上げるベテランのライブは必見。それを迎え撃つは、自身の EP “HOLIC TRAX” 020 をリリースしたばかりの TOMOKI TAMURA。新旧のハウスを織り交ぜ独自のハウススタイルを追求し続けるプレイにも期待が高まる。
また前回の”APRES-MIDI MIDNIGHT LOUNGE”が好評だった VIP LOUNGE では、MAA & TATSUYA OUCHI と HARAGUCHIC、更に NOA をゲストに迎えて、バレアリックな選曲を披露する。”HOLIC”の遺伝子を色濃く継いでいる GREYHOUND がホストを務める WOMB LOUNGE には、サンプラーとアナログ機材を主体にした美しいスタイルが注目を集める気鋭プロデューサー HOKUTO SATO が登場。

HOLIC, a party spearheaded by TOMOKI TAMURA, owner of HOLIC TRAX, is set to happen at WOMB during Silver Week!
Guest artist for this event will be Mr.G, one of the scene's most important people and a key artist for HOLIC TRAX since the time that HOLIC TRAX was established. Mr.G will be returning to WOMB to play a live set for the first time in three years. Making full use of MPC, this veteran artist gets the floor explosively happening with his powerful impact and groove. His live performances are a must-see. Countering him is TOMOKI TAMURA, who has just released his own EP: “HOLIC TRAX” 020. His unique house style, which interweaves old and new house, is also something to look forward to.
MAA & TATSUYA OUCHI, HARAGUCHIC and also NOA will make guest appearances and present a selection of Balearic tracks in the VIP LOUNGE, which previously hosted the popular APRES-MIDI MIDNIGHT LOUNGE. Meanwhile, the spirited producer HOKUTO SATO will be appearing in WOMB LOUNGE, hosted by GREYHOUND, who has heavily inherited the HOLIC gene. HOKUTO SATO is an artist who is getting lots of attention for his beautiful style based around samplers and analog equipment.