FUMI や TREKKIE TRAX を筆頭に最先端の TRAP、BASS MUSIC が堪能出来るパーティー TOKYO TRAP を開催。東京クラブシーンの若年層からの圧倒的な支持を受け、年間250本以上のギグをこなし、その活動は東京にとどまらず、大阪、名古屋、京都、福岡など各都市でもゲスト出演し、最近では2016年7月に最先端の TRAP を主とした BASS MUSIC が楽しめる MIX CD “MUSIC BOXXX” をリリースした FUMI。そして、レーベル発足よりこれまで50作品を超える作品をリリースし、その楽曲のクオリティーの高さは日本だけでなく世界中から賞賛を受け、これまで Skrillex、Diplo、Major Lazer、RL Grime、Djemba Djemba、MUST DIE!、Ookay、Carnage、Mija、Wave Racer など名だたる DJ 達からサポートを受け、2015年に開催された ULTRA JAPAN 2015 では、メインフロアで数多くの楽曲がプレイされ、レーベルアーティストが2名も出演するなど大注目の TREKKIE TRAX。 この2組を中心に、WOMB 全フロアでリアルな東京のシーンで活躍する DJ 陣が集結する!今後もTOKYO 最先端のこのパーティーから目が離せない。

We're holding TOKYO TRAP, a party where you can get your fill of the latest developments in TRAP and BASS MUSIC from masters FUMI and TREKKIE TRAX. FUMI has received overwhelming support from the youth of the Tokyo club scene and performed more than 250 gigs in the space of year, not only in Tokyo, but also as guest performances in Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto and Fukuoka. In July 2016 FUMI released the BASS MUSIC MIX CD "MUSIC BOXXX" featuring cutting edge TRAP in the leading role. We also have TREKKIE TRAX, who have released more than 50 works since the launch of the label, and whose high quality tracks have garnered praise from all over the world, receiving support from noted DJs including Skrillex, Diplo, Major Lazer, RL Grime, Djemba Djemba, MUST DIE!, Ookay, Carnage, Mija, and Wave Racer. TREKKIE TRAX are receiving huge attention since ULTRA JAPAN 2015, where many of their tracks were played on the main floor and there were performances from two of the label's artists. With these two at the center, we'll be gathering a group of DJs active on the real Tokyo scene on all floors of WOMB! From now on you won't be able to take your eyes off this party at Tokyo's cutting edge.