11月12日(土)に Autumn Special として盛大に開催する Mother supported by WOMB。今回は、今ダンスミュージックシーンで最も注目を集めるイタリアの雄 JOSEPH CAPRIATI が、満を持して Mother に初登場!MARCO CAROLA 主催 MUSIC ON を筆頭に、世界の名だたるパーティー、フェスティバルに出演し、シーンのトップアーティストから厚い信頼を受ける彼。本公演では Special Long Set と銘打ち、その深淵なる世界観を存分に体感できる、プレミアムな内容でお届け。
また、WOMB を異空間へと昇華させ、極上の MUSIC JOURNEY に彩りを添える、LJ AIBA、HEART BOMB、VJ MANAMI という国内屈指の演出陣による、空間演出も見逃せない。
VIP LOUNGE は、不定期開催ながら、音楽性の高さと幅広さ、そしてパーティーライクなバイブで人気を博す人気パーティー EVOKE がプロデュース。今回はゲストに BASE WORKS RECORDINGS より SUGIURUMN を迎え、スペシャル企画として開催。近年は海外へとその活動を広げ、注目を集めている WEAVES 主催 U:ICHI のバースデースペシャルセットをはじめ、KAKUEI a.k.a PATICAMAN とのライブセッションを披露する DO SHOCK BOOZE、都内各所のクラブで精力的に活動する LAMB が織りなすストーリーに乞うご期待。さらに WOMB LOUNGE は Mother のパーティーには欠かせない、YAMATO、G.T 率いる LIBERO がオーガナイズと、全フロア最高のラインナップで皆様をお出迎え!
Mother が渾身の想いでお届けする、Mother supported by WOMB Autumn Special。皆様のご来場を心よりお待ちしております。

Mother supported by WOMB - an enormous event for our Autumn Special on November 12th (Saturday). This time, Italian dance music sensation JOSEPH CAPRIATI will be making his long-awaited premiere at Mother! First signed to the MUSIC ON label by MARCO CAROLA, he is one of the top artists on the scene who is known worldwide for performing at festivals and parties. We've designated this performance as a Special Long Set so that you can truly experience this premium content to your heart's content. We've also transformed WOMB into a unique space, adding color schemes to enhance your MUSIC JOURNEY, and recruiting prominent Japanese performers LJ AIBA, HEART BOMB, and VJ MANAMI to ensure that no aspect of performance is overlooked.
Although the VIP LOUNGE will be produced by EVOKE, the crew organizing parties intermittently, to ensure the quality of both the music and the party vibe. The guest DJ in time time is SUGIURUMN from BASE WORKS RECORDINGS, who will be presenting a special project. Starting with a birthday special set from U:ICHI sponsored by WEAVES, who has been gathering attention overseas in recent years, DO SHOCK BOOZE will hold a live session with KAUEI a.k.a PATICAMAN, followed by LAMB who has been actively performing in clubs all across Tokyo. Furthermore, our lineup for Mother would not be complete without YAMATO and the G.T-led LIBERO performing on WOMB LOUNGE. We have put our hearts into creating the Mother supported by WOMB Autumn Special. We look forward to seeing you there.