DRUNKEN KONG 主催の INTENTION が、11月25日(金)に開催決定!
第6回目となる今回は、世界 TOP アーティストの1人、UTO KAREM が来日。彼のグルービーな Techno サウンドに世界中が魅了され、日本でも彼のサウンドを待望している人も少なくない。WOMB での彼のセットをお見逃し無く!
更にフランスから NOARIA も出演決定。彼のスタイルは、グルービー、ダークテクノ。初の WOMB でのプレイでフロアをロックする事間違いなし。
そして、世界に人気を誇る DOSEM のツアーを手がけ、今活躍中の U:ICHI と、INTENTION メンバーの CHIE NAKAJIMA もメインフロアに登場。
VIP LOUNGE には、SPECIAL GUEST として SUNNY から BLACK SHIP が出演決定!IBIZA でも活躍する彼らの音を VIP LOUNGE で是非体感してください。更に宮崎から、YAS YOSHINAGA が WOMB に初出演。宮崎で”FUNCTION”のパーティーを手がける彼のサウンドもお見逃しなく!そして女性 DJ として活躍する KITKUT も INTENTION に初出演。レギュラーメンバーの VAN AFRIKA、JIT&AMMIT、ABI のプレイもお楽しみに!
WOMB LOUNGE は、U:ICHI が手がける WEAVES がプロデュース。WEAVES のレギュラーメンバーと VJ、ダンサーが繰り広げる WOMB LOUNGE も乞うご期待!
今回も内容が盛り沢山の INTENTION に、是非遊びにいらしてください。

INTENTION hosted by DRUNKEN KONG will be held Friday November 25!
This will be the 6th holding of the event, and UTO KAREM, a top global artist will be coming to Japan. His groovy techno sounds have fascinated worldwide fans, and there are also many fans in Japan looking forward to his visit. Don't miss his set at WOMB!
Also, an appearance by NOARIA from France has also been confirmed. His style is groovy, dark techno. He will definitely rock the floor with his first WOMB appearance.
Additionally, U:ICHI, who has been involved with the tour of the globally popular DOSEM, and the INTENTION member CHIE NAKAJIMA will appear on the main floor.
In the VIP Lounge, BLACK SHIP from SUNNY will appear as a special guest! Please enjoy the music of this artist who is active in Ibiza in the VIP Lounge. Also, YAS YOSHINAGA from Miyazaki will make his first appearance at WOMB. Don't miss his sound from the FUNCTION parties in Miyazaki. Also, the popular female DJ KITKUT will make her first appearance at INTENTION. Look forward also to the sets of regular members VAN AFRIKA, JIT&AMMIT, and ABI!
WOMB LOUNGE is produced by U:ICHI's WEAVES. Expect for WEAVE's regular members, VJs, and dancers to rock the WOMB LOUNGE!
There is a lot planned again for this time's INTENTION, so please come and enjoy it!