Beat In Me feat. Petre Inspirescu


ー 世界を席巻するルーマニアン・ダンスミュージックシーンの最前線 ー

世界のミニマルテクノ/ハウスシーンを席巻中のルーマニアンサウンドを紹介するパーティー “Beat In Me” 。
シーンのトップである[a:rpia:r] (Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Raresh) を始めとして、今現在最も重要なアーティストをピンポイントで的確に招聘するその妥協のない方向性がアンダーグラウンドシーンにおいて強く支持され、パーティーは音好きで良質な客層と共に毎回素晴らしいヴァイブスの溢れるフロアを体現している。

そのBeat In Meのフロアーに、この[a:rpia:r]主催の1人であり、もはや説明不要の最重要人物の一翼Petre Inspirescuが還ってくる。RPR SOUNDSYSTEMとしての来日を除き、今回の待望の単独での日本公演は2年振りの実現となる。Beat In Meには今回で3度目の登場となり、Rhadooと共に私たちBIMにとっても最も親和性があり、信頼できるアーティストの登場となる。


B2Fには、メインゲストであるPetreに加え、イビサから帰国のBeat In MeレジデントRAHAと、彼自身が絶大な信頼を寄せるP-Yanが登場。一晩を通して濃密なグルーブをお届けする。

"Beat In Me"、一人でも多くの人に体験してもらいたい。世界のダンスミュージックの最前線を、この日リアルに体感してほしい。

- Forefront of Romanian Dance Music Scene –

Beat In Me, the party introducing sounds of the Romanian Dance Music Scene taking the world’s Minimal Techno/House scene up by storm. Starting with artist [a:rpia:r] (Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Raresh) from the top of the scene, Beat in Me’s determination to select and present the best artists of its time is strongly favored by the underground scene. Each and every party overflows with excellent vibes for all music lovers and high quality guests.

Returning to the floor of Beat in Me is VIP Petre Inspirescu, infamous with no explanation necessary, he is also one of the sponspors for [a:rpia:r]. Aside from his visits with RPR SOUNDSYSTEM, we celebrate his long-expected solo return to Japan for the first time in two years. This is his third appearance with Beat in Me. He has affinitive relations with us BIM along with Rhadoo and is a well-trusted artist.
His work represents the highest quality in the world and is a one and only superior artist. Needless to say, his DJ play sustains top-notch quality and stability in the current scene. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience a solo long set of his ultimate worldview.

In the B1 floor we have the extremely talented and top class DJ’s of Japan, KO-JAX and kohei, both from the Kansai area. A full night of exclusively these two DJ’s will take place on this floor. In no way inferior to the main floor, this floor will also bring a highly substantial night.

On the B2 floor, we present our main guest Petre, along with resident of Beat In Me RAHA returning from to Japan from Ibiza, and P-Yan well trusted by RAHA himself.

We hope many of you will come experience ‘Beat In Me’. Feel the sensation of best dance music of the world!