英国の人気レーベル FREERANGE RECORDS の設立20周年パーティーが開催!ハウスからニュー・ジャズ、ディープ・テックとカテゴリーを越えてクロスオーバーした音楽で、シーンを牽引してきたイギリスの名門レーベル FREERANGE RECORDS。設立より数々の傑作をリリースしてきた同レーベルが20周年を迎えた。その軌跡を祝うべくメモリアルなパーティーが開催される。日本にも幾度となく訪れ、柔らさを感じるメロディと有機的な電子音のテクスチャー、そして重厚なグルーヴを深淵で邂逅させてきたレーベル主宰の JIMPSTER が WOMB に初登場する。メインフロアには同じくイギリスを拠点に HOLIC の名前でパーティーやレーベル運営を行い、JIMPSTER とも交流のある TOMOKI TAMURA、自身のパーティー EUREKA! に FREERANGE アーティストでもある DETROIT SWINDLE などを招聘し、次世代のハウスシーンを背負って立つ存在の MIDORI AOYAMAも出演。さらに2000年代後半より Freerange のショウケースを定期的に開催していた麻布十番に位置したクラブ WAREHOUSE702 もオーガナイズに参加。祝祭に華を添える。

One of the hottest UK deep house label, Freerange Records will be launching their 20th anniversary party in Tokyo!
Ever since the establishment, starting from house music to new jazz, deep tech and etc, Freerange Records has been leading electronic music scene beyond the genre. They had their 20th birthday last year. Mixing gentle melody with organic electronic sound to deep, profound groove, Jimpster, who is the label boss has done a breathtaking work on the electronic industry. He has already played in Tokyo so many times last 20 years, and will be showing up at WOMB for the very first time on this occasion.
For the main floor, Tomoki Tamura, also known for his own party and label, HOLIC from UK will be playing. Also, Up-and-coming DJ for the next generation of house music, the organizer and has had invited such as Detroit Swindle and Kyodai from Freerange Records for his own party EUREKA!, Midori Aoyama will be playing there. In addition, WAREHOUSE702, the club located in Azabu-juban, which had been holding Freerange Records showcase party “Freeragne Tokyo” regularly since late 2000’s will participate for organizing this event to grace this special celebration.

Freerange Records