
記念すべき初回には人気ハウスレーベルHommage主宰、Time WarpやAwakeningsなどのテクノフェスティバルでの活躍も目覚ましいダンスミュージック大国ドイツが誇る新世代ハウスデュオMonkey Safariが初来日を果たす。

※ ONFLEEK…「イケてる」「キマってる」という意味のスラングでInstagram や Twitter などで、よくハッシュタグとしても使われています。

The dance music world has been evolving more than ever since the rapid growth of the Internet and SNS started spreading all around the world. This new technology made it possible to organize a party that symbolizes the “new generation” at Sky Tokyo. ”#ONFLEEK” focuses on new and younger artists who have earned their name overseas, ”#ONFLEEK” provides parties you will never forget. On our very first night on the dance floor, we proudly present our favorite house-music duo, Monkey Safari from Germany.