2001年からアウトドア・パーティを数多く開催し、日本で初めてDeadmau5を招聘するなど、パーティフリークたちを唸らせてきたprimitiveが約2年半ぶりに都内クラブで復活! ゲストにDJ BIN (Stargate Recordings / 99FLAGS)、TEZ (BOSHKE BEATS / RAFT TOKYO)を迎え、ITA、KON、GOLi、Ninoとprimitiveレジデント勢が出演。
そして初の試みとして、人気バーテンダーがBarの垣根を越えて集結!惜しまれつつもクローズしたあの名店 が復活!? "串とギター" EISUKE、"CANO Bar" KOJI、恵比寿のスイーツと言えば…の SEITARO、恵比寿の隠れ家"和風Barダーナ" YUKIKO、美味しい割烹が評判の"和食らうんじナーダ" RYOKOがEN-SOFのバーにたつ。

Primitive is an event organizer that has run numerous outdoor events since 2001. One of the main activities was to invite Deadmau5 to Japan for the first time.
2.5 years since their last activity, Primitive is organizing an event in Tokyo!

Special guests include DJs - DJ BIN (Stargate Recordings / 99 FLAGS), TEZ (BOSHKE BEATS / RAFT TOKYO) , Primitive DJs - ITA, KON, GOLi, and Nino , and some of Tokyo's famous bartenders, EISUKE from the legendary bar "Kushi to guitar", KOJI from "CANO Bar", SEITARO from 〇〇, YUKIKO from the hidden Japanese-style bar “Dana”, and RYOKO from "Wa-lounge Nada”, a bar famous for it's delicious Kappo-style food.

Enjoy the friendly atmosphere and the great sounds just as if it were an outside festival.