80年代後半のセカンドサマーオブラブに刺激を受け、early 90'sの頃からDj/プロデューサーとして活躍するジェームス・ベイスリー。現在はケミカル・ブラザーズのプロダクション・マネージャーを務め、あの見事に完成された音と映像、ライティングを駆使したケミカルずのショーには欠かせないクルーの大黒柱として存在感を示してもいる。ケミカルズ以外にも様々なアーティストのライブプロダクションを手掛けるなど、その手腕でメジャーバンドからも引っぱりだこのジェームスだが彼のルーツであるDJやパーティー野郎としての熱量はまったく冷めることなく現在もアンダーグラウンドなDJとして活躍している。

James Baseley
The love of the 'Wheels of Steel' started out 30 years ago as the school resident DJ playing 80's Soul and Hip Hop. True vinyl addiction set in with the birth of the Acid and Warehouse scenes in and around London in the late 80's and so seeded a deep-rooted love of House music that still inspires James to this day. Team all this with 10 years of tinkering in the studio and a musical path was laid out in front of him. The 90's brought us Drum and Bass and other musical variations for the discerning dance floor all of which kept James alive and hungry both as a producer and DJ. Early Breakbeat and Hardcore productions found themselves onto vinyl for Moving Shadow and Ruff Tuff and Wicked Stuff under the artist monikers Progression and Bash St Kidz. Later in the nineties Sunday nights became a religious drum and bass ritual on the dance floor at the legendary Blue Note as one of Metalheadz dancefloor faithful. Moving on and into the turn of the new millennium and the sounds heading out of West London from the likes of the Bugz in the Attic crew and I G Culture caught James’ musical ear and inspired him to investigate a new musical vibe. This and a move to Prague lead to the start of the brokenbeat/nu jazz label Red Salamanda Records out of a desire to release some of his own productions and those of new friends made in Prague . DJ duties have continued to this very day with regular spots in Prague and neighbouring cities were James serves up a selection of Classic House + Hip Hop mixed up with new sounds of Bass music and all the variants of House that we now have to choose from ! IN his words "Its all about feeling the vibe of the dancefloor and keeping people moving with the energy of both new cuts and classic dance tracks !"