Kollektiv Turmstrasse presented by SLEEPING BAG & Co.

【 あのSolomunの盟友、シネマティックな作品が世界で高く評価されるKollektiv TurmstrasseがVENTに初登場!! 】

世界トップDJの一人と言われるSolomunの10年来の仲間である、ドイツ・ハンブルグのデュオKollektiv Turmstrass。
Diynamic, Connaisseurや自身のレーベルMusik Gewinnt Freundeからリリースされたシネマティックなエレクトロニカ作品が世界中で高く評価され、リリースする度に話題となる。

「音という心地良いものに囲まれている時間はさながら寝袋 (SLEEPING BAG) にいる様な感覚に捉われる」 これをコンセプトとし、空間全体をプロデュースし独特の雰囲気を発信し続けるSLEEPING BAGの提案をVENTが誇る極上のサウンドシステムを通しぜひ堪能しに来て欲しい!

【 One of Solomun's comrades, Kollectiv Turmstrasse, whose cinematic works are revered the world over, will perform for the first time at VENT! 】

Kollectiv Turnmstrasse, the duo from Hamburg Germany, who have been compatriots of the world-class DJ Solomun for a decade now, are slated to play at VENT. Having released works on Diynamic and Connaisseur, as well as their own label Musik Gewinnt Freunde, their sound of cinematic electronica has won them praise and attention with every release. Their unique performance style, which transcends house and techno, has garnered them slots at many large festivals, starting with Tomorrowland, and now they will finally touch down in Japan for the first time!

Also preforming is GONNO, who masterfully blends acid and melodic textures - weaving a pounding narrative through sound - and has gained much love and attention from both Japan and abroad.
Furthermore, the concept of "time spent being surrounded by comforting sounds is tantamount to being bundled up in a sleeping bag" will be brought into reality throughout the entire space, creating a distinct and enjoyable atmosphere, while music flows through VENT's top-quality sound system.

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※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also,sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.