Francesco Del Garda presented by PLAnT

【 テクノとグルーヴィーなハウスの完璧な融合!イタリアのキーマンFrancesco Del Gardaの初来日が決定!! 】

昨年5月に公開されたResident Advisorの素晴らしいポッドキャストが瞬く間に世界中で話題に!BinhやNicolas Lutz、Onur Ozerといったアーティストが活躍するシーンのキープレイヤーにして高い評価を集めるイタリア人DJ ”Francesco Del Garda” 遂に初来日!


現在シーンの中で最も忙しく、世界からのオファーの絶えないDJが、RYOKEIとYU HOKAZONOが主催するPLAnTにて待望の日本初来日!

[ A perfect fusion of Techno and Groovy House! Italian key man, Francesco Del Garda has been booked to play his first gig in Japan at VENT! ]

Last May his brilliant podcast on Resident Advisor shot his name out to global attention! Highly regarded Italian DJ and key man in the scene that boast so many active artists such as, Binh, Nicolas Lutz, and Onur Ozer will finally play in Japan

Known for playing the decks with a huge smile on his face that lifts the spirits of not only the audience but the entire venue, Del Garda flexes his selecting skills (which he has been polishing since the 90s, mind you) with an arsenal of records spanning genres from UK Garage, 90s House, Techno, Electro what have you - mixing it all together seamlessly. Francesco is just as passionate about digging out rare wax as his about brushing up his DJ chops - his style and attitude has garnered him a high praise in within the scene.

Ryokei and Yu Hokazono of PLAnT have been sponsoring some of the busiest DJs in the scene to come play in Japan, and are bringing to you, for the first time in Japan, Francesco Del Garda.

- Francesco Del Garda presented by PLAnT -

DATE : 3/24 (FRI)
OPEN : 23:00
DOOR : ¥3,500 / FB discount : ¥3,000

[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!


Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.

※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also,sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.