Be One

(※日本語は下記にて / Japanese below) and DEEP&TECH present Be One. A night dedicated to deep underground house music at one of Tokyo's best intimate venues, En-Sof.

Many parties these days seem to prioritize quantity over quality, all in a bid to increase attendance - a belief that by booking many DJs for short sets, each DJ will draw a minimum number of guests to the party. As a result, DJs end up spending more time promoting rather than preparing their performance, and they often have to stop playing right when they get into a groove.

Be One is different. Our approach is vibe-centric by giving each DJ more room to breathe, to stretch musically, and to take you, the listener/dancer on a proper musical trip.

Be One is an event where you can experience all flavors of underground house - from deep to dubby to techy to funky to classic - while always staying focused on telling a story through music.

Our venue is En-Sof.

Nestled in the basement of an unassuming building in the heart of Shibuya, En-Sof is a welcome escape from the hectic buzz and neon energy that lies just outside its door. A single dance floor, served by the pure, warm sonics of its perfectly-tuned four-corner TW Audio sound system, keeps us all in the same groove. Much like the best private house parties, you are free to get lost in music or take time out in the lounge to forge new connections with like-minded friends.

The musical experience begins at 23:00 and goes until 5:30.

Come and Be One with us.

ーーーー日本語 / Japaneseーーー

知る人ぞ知る親密感溢れる東京のサウンドハウス、En-sof。そこでこの度、deephouse.comとDEEP&TECHが力を合わせ、ディープでアングラなハウスミュージックイベント「Be One」を開催。(※ Be One = 一つ/一緒になる、B1 = 地下1階)


Be Oneは違います。

リスナー/ダンサーを適切な「musical trip = 音楽の旅」に連れていけるように、DJには時間的にも音楽的にも余裕がある、ヴァイブスに溢れる環境を作るのが我々のアプローチ。

Be Oneは、ディープ、ダビー、テッキー、ファンキー、クラシックなど、常に音楽を通してストーリーを描いたアンダーグラウンドなハウスミュージックを仲間と体験するイベントです。


渋谷のど真ん中、一見わかりづらい建物の地下B1。一歩外のざわつきと賑やかな渋谷のネオンワールドから完全に解放され時空を超えた空間、En-sof。完璧にチューニングされたドイツTW Audio社のサウンドシステムが4コーナーから発するピュアでパワフルかつウォームな音響を、唯一のダンスフロアで友達と一緒に味わう。 最高のプライベートロフト/ハウスパーティーのように思う存分音楽に潜り込んでもよし、フロア横のラウンジで仲間と新たなつながりを築くのもよし… まさにBe Oneです。


是非、come and "Be One" with us.