RAW feat. AC Slater & Crookers

L.A.で爆発的な人気を誇るレーベル<NIGHT BASS>を主宰し、レーベル<OWSLA>からもリリースを重ねるベースハウス勢としては非常に稀なDJ/プロデューサーAC Slaterが初来日を果たす。
「ダンスミュージックシーンを長年経てきたからこその成功だ。」と言われる<NIGHT BASS>ブランド。昨年末にリリースされた Taiki Nulightとのコラボトラック「My Peoples」は爆発的に世界中に広がった。さらに<OWSLA>からリリースされた「Bass Inside」は彼の代表トラックとなっている。
さらにスペシャルゲストが二人。日本のダンスミュージックシーンを牽引し続けるSHINICHI OSAWAとミラノから独自のハウスサウンドで人気を博し、<Dim Mak>から世界的ヒット「I Just Can’t (Feat. Jeremih)」を世に送り出したCrookersが出演する。

A rare DJ/producer AC Slater in a bass house, who presides Night Bass and releases his music on OWSLA, is visiting Japan for the first time at RAW.
“They’re successful since they’ve been in a dance music scene for a long time." said a lot of the industry people. Last year the collaboration track "My peoples" with Taiki Nulight was released and it explosively spread all over the world. Also, his released track on OWSLA "Bass Inside" became his masterpiece.
Two other special guests who would be too luxurious as additional artists. SHINICHI OSAWA leading a Japanese dance music scene will be first joining SUSHI RECORDS' event. On top of that, Crookers, got a lot of followers by his own house sound in Milano and released a massive hit track "I just Can't (Feat. Jeremih), will be playing as well. I want you to feel the unprecedented power of artists and the meaning of these artists gathering at Sankeys TYO.