Maya Jane Coles & Friends


英国のダンスミュージック誌「Mixmag」において新人賞に選ばれ、世界的なダンス情報サイト「Resident Advisor」のTOP DJ100おいて初登場でトップ10入りするなど、海外主要メディアから高い評価を受け注目を浴び、その後もリッチー・ホウティンやファットボーイ・スリムといった重鎮たちがその才能に惚れ込み、彼ら主催のビッグ・パーティに出演を果たす。さらにマッシヴ・アタックやゴリラズのリミックスを手掛けるなど、DJだけでなく制作面でも目覚ましい活躍を遂げる。世界のダンスシーンを総なめにするこのシンデレラストーリーを約2年でやり遂げ、ここ日本でもFUJIROCK FESTIVAL、BIG BEACH FESTIVALといった大型フェスティバルへの出演実績を持つMaya Jane Coles。
ディープハウス、テックハウス、ダブステップ、ジャズに至るまで独特の感性と類い稀な音楽センスを兼ね備えたプレイに定評があり、アンダーグラウンドリスナーたちのハートを射止め続ける日本人の血が流れる日英ハーフ実力派フィメールDJが、Wax Wingsを伴い約1年ぶりにSankeysTYOへ帰還する。

Maya Jane Coles was selected as a rookie award in the UK dance music magazine "Mixmag", was first ranked in the top 10 of the global dance information site "TOP DJ 100", and got noticed from major international media.
On top of that, the heavyweights such as Richie Hawtin and Fatboy Slim were attracted to her talent and she got a chance to play at the big party hosted by them.
In addition to working on remixes for Massive Attack and Gorillaz, she also achieved remarkable success in music production not only as a DJ artist.

Maya has accomplished this successful story in about two years, sweeping the international dance scene and has performed in massive festivals such as FUJI ROCK Festival, BIG BEACH Festival, etc. As well as this half British/Japanese talented female DJ is capturing the hearts of underground listers, she has a great reputation for her play style that combines distinctive sensitivity and exceptional music taste through deep house, tech house, dustup and Jazz.

Finally, she is coming back to SankeysTYO with Wax Wings for the first time in a year.