今年3年目を迎えるパーティー HOUSETRIBE が冬眠を経ていよいよ春から始動する!!!
過去にバラエティーに飛んだゲストライナップを招致し、パーティーとしての存在感を露にして来た。ワールドワイドに活躍している THE CUBE GUYSや、テックハウスの若き才能 ADRIAN HOURなど旬なアーティストが絶好のタイミングで来日を果たした。
そして今回はレジェンドの1人でもある、ヒットメーカー ATFC が来日決定!!! 数多くの楽曲をドロップし、今も尚、存在感を世界に轟かせているプロデューサーである。

HOUSETRIBE party is through with its hibernation and is ready to get started on its third year this spring!!!
In the past we've had a guest line up full of variety show hosts and really brought the house down. All the artists you would expect, like THE CUBE GUYS, who perform world wide, and the young and talented newcomers to tech house ADRIAN HOUR have come to Japan at just the right time.
Also, this time we've got the legendary and prolific ATFC coming to Japan to play for us!!! he has produced many hit tracks and even now his beats can be heard echoing throughout the world.
Get excited for the 2017 evolution of HOUSETRIBE, a party where you can let your instincts fly free!
This year's opening is going to make huge waves, so don't miss it.