BASS MUSIC、HOUSE、DISCO、HIP HOP を中心に最先端の SOUND から今なお人気の SOUND までを網羅し他にはない新なグルーヴを生み出す B”O”X。ラインナップには各ジャンルにおいて確実な実力をもつ DJ 陣が出演。渋谷のオシャレかつ音楽へのアンテナを張った若者の集い場となることは間違いない。

B”O”X is a party giving rise to unique fresh new grooves, focusing on BASS MUSIC, HOUSE, DISCO, and HIP HOP, from the latest SOUNDS through to current favorites.
The lineup features performances by a DJ team who each have serious skills in their genres. This is the place for a young crowd who are feeling the style and musicality of Shibuya to come together for sure.