フランス、パリ出身のDJ Gregoryによる覆面プロジェクトPoint G。90年代後半よりDJ Gregory、Africanism、Point Gといった名義を使い分けてリリースされた作品がヨーロッパのDeep House/Tech Houseシーンで高い評価を受け続けている、押しも押されぬトップアクトの一人だ。近年では自主レーベルPoint Gでの活動やCabanne主催のMinibarより秘蔵トラック集をリリースするなど、ミニマルシーンとの関わりも強い。今年の5月にはニューアルバム”The Point G Experience”のリリースを予定しており、絶好のタイミングでの再来日となる。

迎え撃つのは現在ベルリンを拠点としており5月に一時帰国を予定している STEREOCiTI 。Don WilliamsのレーベルMojubaより2枚のアルバムをリリースし、世界中的にも評価の高く、日本のモダン・ディープハウス・シーンをリードしているアーティストだ。他、Ellen AllienやJohn Talabot等の来日サポートなど喫緊での活躍が目覚しいDJ FGR、期待の若手Machikoといったローカルアクトも参加が決定!

[ Highly respected by Loco Dice, Ricardo Villalobos and Sasha - the pride of the French scene, Point G makes his way back to Japan, at long last! ]

Point G is an undercover project by Paris' DJ Gregory. In the late 90s, he released track after track of highly regarded works throughout the European Deep House/Tech House scene under the monikers of DJ Gregory, Africanism and Point G. In recent years, he has been a force in the Minimal scene with his own label Point G, and released a compilation of treasured tracks via Cabanne's Minibar. This May, his new album "The Point G Experience" will be released, making the timing for his return to Japan impeccable.

Also playing will be current Berlin resident STEREOCiTI, who will be making a brief return his homeland. He has released 2 albums through Don Williams' label Mojuba, and has been getting rave reviews throughout the world as an up-and-coming top act from Japan who has his finger on the pulse of the modern Deep House scene. Other acts include DJ FGR who has played alongside Ellen Allien and John Talabot when they were in Japan, as well as the young and ambitious Machiko! Come join us for a memorable, color-filled, spring escapade in Omotesando!