Mark E

唯一無二の職人芸的エディット作で一躍世界のディスコシーンに名を知らしめたMark E。
自身のE-VERSIONSや、MERCやRunning Back、Golf Channel、Internasjonal、Jiscomusicなどのレーベルからリリースされたリエディットは、日本国内でも絶大な支持を獲得。

オリジナル作品もGhostly International傘下のSpectral Soundからのリリースで、プロデューサーとしての個性を確立し、その勢いは止まることを知らない!
フロアを魅了してやまない変幻自在のプレイを引っさげ、ダンスミュージックを更新し続ける職人、” Mark E “ が待望の再来日!

[ No doubt you will find his music in Japanese record shops - surpassing the New Disco wave, Mark E keeps redefining dance music, and soon he will arrive in Japan! ]

Mark E made a name for himself in the global Disco scene with his unsurpassed, crafty, editing skills. His re-edits released from his own E-Versions label, as well as labels like Merc, Running Back, Golf-Channel, Internasjonal, and Jiscomusic have gained him a solid fan base in japan.

Mark E’s original works released through Ghostly International’s sub label, Spectral Sound, have established him as a formidable producer with a unique style and hard work ethic.

As a craftsman who continues to update dance music, Mark E's long-awaited return to Japan will climax as he enchants the dance floor with his kaleidoscopic selection. Come experience a true artist display his epic craft on VENT's next-level sound system.

[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!

Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.

※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also,sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.