San Proper

世界から注目を集めるアムステルダムシーンの中でRush HourやDekmantleといったキーとなるクルーと活動をともにする奇才San Poper!! ゴールデンウィークに開催されたRainbow Disco Clubでも飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いのRush Hour Allstarsの一員として圧巻のプレイを披露したところだが、なんと5/12にVENTにて開催されるMONKEY TIMERSが主催する“ DISKO KLUBB“に緊急出演が決定!!
前回、SOUND MUSEUM VISIONで開催されたDISKO KLUBBでは,MONKEY TIMERSの2nd EP「- ALABAMA のRELEASE PARTY-」として銘打ち、多くのクラウドが熱狂、大盛況のうちに幕を閉じた。
彼 らのトラックはEric Duncan、Justin VandervolgenやForce Of Nature等、国内外のアーティストにプレイされ、DJとしては二度のBOILER ROOMに出演、プロダクション・ユニットとしてワールドワイドな注目を集めている。

VENT での初開催となる今回のはアパレルブランドETHOSのデザイナーで、DJとしても幅広い選曲が定評のあるOMI、様々なクラブでオファーが絶えない若手 NO,1の呼び声高いJITSUMITSU、GYAO のレギュラーメンバーに加え、日本のハウスシーンのオリジネーターの1人で、近年世界的な再評価が高まっている寺田創一が運営するレーベルFar East Recording から、寺田の盟友でありプロダクションパートナーのShinichiro Yokotaが登場する。

[ This just in! San Proper - who is absolutely going to tear it up at Rainbow Disco Club 2017 - is locked into hit the decks at Disko Klubb!! ]

San Proper, keyman of the Amsterdam scene, has been gaining popularity all over with a stellar perfomance at Dekmantle, as well as getting props from Rush Hour, will be performing at Rainbow Disco Club over Golden Week. And now, we are happy to announce that he will be representing the Rush Hour Allstars, by showing off his mixing skills at VENT on May 12th at Monkey Timers' Discko Klubb Event!

The last Disko Klubb party held at Sound Museum commemorating the release of Monkey Timers' second EP, Alabama, was a massive hit. Monkey Timers' tracks have been spun by the domestic and international artists alike - Eric Duncan, Justin Vandervolgen, Force of Nature, to name a few - on top of that, this production unit that has been gaining attention all over the world has played not one, but two Boiler Room sessions!

Take a peak at the lineup of other artists playing this night: designer of fashion brand ETHOS and selector well-known for his superb choice in tracks, Omi; young, up-and-coming, top DJ who has been getting offers like crazy from clubs all over, Jitsumitsu; regular member of Gyao and one of the originators of Japan's House scene and production partner of the well-renown Soichi Terada, proprietor of Far East Recording - a label that has been getting a lot of love on a global level in recent years, Shinichiro Yokota will also be hitting the decks.

Lastly, Vent is very excited to announce a guest artist whose name we cannot disclose at this point, unfortunately. Take our word for it though, this artist is a major player in the underground scene, so be prepared to experience both shock and awe when this artist is revealed on party night!