Nick The Record supported by TAICOCLUB’17

“ミスターアフターアワーズ” Nick The Recordが、世界でもトップクラスのサウンドシステムを誇るVENTに再登場する。
伝説的なアンダーグラウンド・パーティー「Life Force」のメインアクトとして、約20年に渡りロンドン~東京の往復を繰り返し、常に最新の音楽をダンスフロアに注いできたNick The Record。高名なレコード・ディーラーでもある彼の膨大なアーカイブから丁寧に選び抜かれ、流暢なミックスで紡ぎ出されるレアなグルーヴの数々は、その魅力を一層に増し、聴くものをダンスフロアから離さない。
「Life Force」にとどまらず、野外フェスティバル「TAICOCLUB」において(初開催の2006年から)12年連続でクロージングを一任された実績からも、日本のクラウドたちがNick The Recordに全幅の信頼をおいていることが伺えるだろう。 
今回の再演では、そんな盟友とも言えるTAICOCLUBのキュレーターがROOM1をサポートする他、ROOM2ではTAICOCLUB’17にも出演したD.A.NのDaigo SakuragiがDJセットで出演することが決定。
Nick The Recordの惚れ込んだ、別次元のサウンドシステムで紡がれるサウンドジャーニーをお楽しみに。

Experience the excitement one more time: "Mister After-hours", Nick the Record, is coming back to VENT!

Nick the Record has been locked in to perform at "TAICOCLUB '17", as will be playing on VENT's world-class sound system, as well.

As the main act of the legendary underground party "Life Force", Nick the Record has been traveling back and forth between London and Tokyo for about 20 years now, always bringing with him fresh sounds to the dance floor. He is also renown record dealer with a massive archive of sounds who carefully selects each track he will put into his elegantly fluent mix - a mix so mesmerizing that once you hear it you won't be able to remove yourself from the dance floor. He is not only heading Life Force, but also playing outdoor festivals live "TAICOCLUB" - with his first appearance there back in 2006 - for 12 years in a row, Nick the Record's slick selecting skills have earned him massive respect from Japanese audiences.

Nick the Record was so impressed by VENT's next-level sound system that he made sure to come back here to play while in Japan.

From the first-of-its-kind, innovative speakers to the immaculate calculated room acoustics, VENT boast a rich and unique sound environment, second to none. Now, come to VENT to bask in the euphoria of Nick the Record's long-playing set and dance the night away.