ALZAR Saturdays

大阪を拠点に活動する数多くのDJから選び抜いた5名を土曜日のレジデントとして迎え入れ、国内をはじめとした各地に点在する優れたアーティストを共演者として招聘し開催するALZAR Saturdays。
第四週目はYuichirou Miyamotoが特に感化された、これからを担っていくTechnoHouse DJ、アーティストを招聘し「Underground」、「Deep」、「Emotional」を合言葉に一晩を作り上げる。
The 4th Saturday of every month features YUICHIRO MIYAMOTO as resident DJ. Yuichiro and his guest artists will create an inspired evening of music , focusing on Techno & House with an "Underground", "Deep", "Emotional" vibe as their story.


Resident dj:
Yuichirou Miyamoto

feat. dj:

□ADM - 2,500yen with 1drink
□FBイベント参加割 - 2,000yen/with 2drink
(Registered to attend today's event on Facebook - 2,000yen/with 2drink )
□早割※24時までに入場の方 - 700yen with 1 drink
(Early Entry Discount※Entry before 24:00 - 700yen with 1 drink)
□Rooftop Bar OO ご利用割引 - Free Entrance
(Rooftop Bar OO Visitor’s Discount - Free Entrance)

Join the event for discount!! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.

Entry before midnight 700yen/with 1drink

□7階Rooftop Bar OOで2,500円(1名様)以上ご利用のお客様は、入場料金無料でご入場頂けます。
※At Rooftop Bar OO Special discount for the visitors at Rooftop Bar OO on the same day.
Please be aware that the amount shown on the receipt must exceed 2,500yen per person to get a discounted entry.You must show the receipt at the door to get this offer.Free entrance.

All patrons must be 20 years and older – no exceptions.
A picture ID must be shown before entering. No Picture ID, No Entry. Period.
We have spent a lot of time and effort to create an atmosphere with class at ALZAR. Please dress appropriately. We reserve the right to deny entry to those who are inappropriately dressed. (ie. tank tops, beach sandals etc.)

New Japan Building 8F, 2-3-28,
Doutoubori, Chuo-ku, Osaka city, Osaka, Japan.
〒542-0071 大阪府大阪市中央区道頓堀2-3-28 ニュージャパンビル8階
