10 . 14 ( sat ) 23 : 59 - 10 . 15 ( sun ) 07 : 00


表参道 Harold&Co 〜ハロルドアンドコー〜【旧店名】アオヤマカフェ

東京都港区北青山3-6-23 青山ダイハンビル B1F
Aoyamadaihan Bld. B1F, 3-6-23, Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0061, Japan

30-Seconds walk from Exit B2 at Tokyo Metro Omotesando Station


#FUTURE は、2016年に Mandragora がスタートさせたパーティです。
これまで、 Mandragora , Devochka , Jacob , 4i20 , Jack in the Box , The Almost Famous , Special M , Satori , Vitor Falabella が #FUTURE でプレイし、10.000人位上のダンサーが参加しました。
今回で6度目の開催となる#FUTUREは、初めて南米を離れ、0=zero サポートのもと日本に上陸します。

#FUTURE is a party created by Mandragora in 2016 , due the success of the genre, there was 5 editions of the party in mexico and brazil
many artists have been played in #FUTURE partys, artists like, Mandragora , Devochka , Jacob, 4i20, Jack in the Box , The Almost Famous , Special M , Satori , Vitor Falabella
over 10 000 people already came to #FUTURE party

# FUTURE, the sixth time this time, will leave South America for the first time and will land in Japan with 0 = zero support.
Please feel free to experience new music and the future experience with a wonderful sound system and visual.

█▓▒░ What's futureprog? ░▒▓█

progressive tranceから派生したfutureprogは、 Mandragora を中心にメキシコ、ブラジルのアーティスト達によって作られました。

future prog is a sub division of progressive trance based on a group of artists from mexico and brazil,
was created mainly by mandragora and today is the most grow up genre in brazil and the whole world,
we have over 30 artists around the world.