テクノとジャズの融合の到達点。The Labyrinthを沸かした2人のレジェンドによるエクスペリメンタル・ジャズ ・ユニット” Flanger “が奇跡の初来日!
鬼才” Atom™️ "と、ミニマルダブ/エクスペリメンタルの第一人者、” Bernd Friedman "による、 超プレミアムユニットがVENTに登場。
セニョール・ココナッツやアトム・ハートなどの名義でもおなじみウーヴェ・シュミットによるテクノプロジェクト、Atom TM。CanのJaki Liebezeit、Steve Jansen、David Sylvianと重鎮ミュージシャンとのコラボレーションを重ねてきたドイツのエレクトリックミュージックのレジェンド、Burnt Friedman。古典的なジャズの要素をフィルターとエディティングで構築したエクスペリメンタルなサウンドで1999年にNinja Tuneからリリースしたアルバムは、ここ日本でも大きなヒットを記録。 2人の天才によるエレクトロニック・ジャズの未来” Flanger “、超待望の初来日公演。
国内からは日本の次世代ハウス/テクノを代表する旗手として、アシッドかつメロディック、幅広くストーリー性溢れるプレイで日本のみならず世界各地で活躍するGONNOと、独特の空気感とバランス感を持ち合わせ、ジャンルを超えた選曲が話題沸騰中の実力派、DJ NOAが参戦。
[ At the intersection where Techno and Jazz meet and fuse together are a legendary duo who had the Labrinth raging - Experimental Jazz unit Flanger make a miraculous first trip to Japan! ]
This top quality act consisting of the genius Atom TM and Minimal Dub/Experimental master Bernd Friedman make their way to VENT.
Two legends: Atom TM - Techno project by Uwe Schmidt famous for acts like Señor Coconut and Atom Heart. Bernd "Burnt" Friedman - German Electronic music legend who has collaborated with musicians ranging from Jaki Liebezeit of Can, Steven Jansen and David Sylvain. Taking elements of Classical Jazz and editing and passing it through filters to construct an experimental sound, their 1999 album released off of Ninja Tunes was a massive hit in Japan. This dynamic duo is the future of Electronic Jazz - Flanger will make a long awaited first appearance in Japan.
For the past 8 years, Bcc has been holding contemporary events where the audience can enjoy music from an artist perspective while using Atom TM's live gigs as a musical base. Newly reborn as Bcc:Fiesta, to commemorate the launch, the two very busy artists have set aside some time from their schedules to bring you a premium live show that will be not only a one of a kind, but unforgettable.
On the domestic front, waving the flag for the next generation of Japanese House and Techno, is Gonno, who is noted for weaving a thick sonic narrative chock full of Acid and melody; and accompanying him is DJ NOA to create an exclusive balanced and ethereal feel as he transcends genres with his cunning selection skills.
This very well may be a historical show that may never be repeated, so come check out this premium one of a kind gig!
[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!
Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.
※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.
URL : http://vent-tokyo.net/