Making music in Ibiza means for me above all being under the influence of a magic environment, and thus willing to always put some sexiness in the sound, even when making powerful techno tracks. As I often listen and make music in this wonderful natural environment, I always intent to put some sun and beauty in the sound, and this even if the base is very underground or melancholic. I can love minor harmonies or strange sounds, but I always need to have them in a sensual musical environment : I prefer when the music rolls more than when it scratches, I prefer when the music makes you shake more than when it makes you beat hard.

Yes, what happened was really the kind of happy things Ibiza lets you enjoy ! in the middle of a party at Amnesia, I decided to go back to the studio. At that moment, Raha from Ooooze and Keisuke from Womb, who I didn't know before, where at the same place with friends of mine... that's how we all decided to make a little short after party in my studio.... which turned at the end to last until the afternoon ! I discovered these 2 wonderful persons : really passionated by music and bringing to this unprepared after a big touch of joy and human respect. On their side, they could get to know my music and my specific way of mixing, which is a DJ-set played like a live, like creating music on-the-fly. After this very good experience, we agreed that we really should share this to the Japanese public ! 絶対にやめられないね。本物のクラバーでい続けること、クラブでほとんどの時間をダンスフロアーで過ごすこと(DJブースやバックステージにいるのは、ほんの少しだけにして)、ダンスフロアで皆と一緒にパーティーするのは楽しいだけじゃなくて、それをすることによってDJのパフォーマンスやフィーリングに対して皆がどう反応をするかを実際に感じることができるし、僕にとってはすごく大切なことなんだ。自分のセッションで変えるべき点やどうやったら驚きを与えることができるか、また踊る側にとって何が楽しいことなのか、音楽によって何が変わっていくかがわかるんだよ。簡単にいうとパーティーの神髄がわかるってことなんだよね。
Oh no ! Being a real clubber, spending the most time in a club on the dancefloor (and very little time in the cabin or backstage), sharing parties with all the clubbers is not only a great pleasure : it helps me also to really feel what people for which we play feel during a party. The need for changes and surprises in a session, the things that we like or don't like when dancing, the feelings experienced depending on the music, etc... in a word, the true life of a party ;) 僕の友達でイタリア人アーティストのRe-UPは本当にすごく好きで、僕が大きく影響を受けたアーティストの1人だね。その他には、セクシーでナチュラルなサウンドとパワフルな動きを絶妙にミックスした個性的なスタイルを生み出したMinilogue や、Loco Dice、tINIからも影響を受けてるよ。
I really love an Italian artist named Re-UP, which is also a very good friend of mine. He is one of my biggest source of inspiration. I've been also influenced a lot by Minilogue who have really invented an amazingly interesting proper style, made of the perfect mix between sexy natural sound and powerful moves. tINI and Loco Dice are also great influences "DISSONANT"以外からのリリースはすごく楽しんだから、これからのリリースも真剣に考えてるよ。彼らのことをすごくリスペクトしているし(うち3つはベルリンを本拠にしている)、間違いなく彼らと今後もやらせてもらいたいと思っている。
I really enjoyed releasing tracks on other labels, and I am willing to still have releases on them ! I respect them a lot (3 of them are Berlin-based), and I clearly still want to do things with them.
Nevertheless I felt last year that it was the time to have my entirely own label, because I wanted to be totally free regarding the musical line and the development choices. When you release tracks on another label, the result is the common point of view between you and the label. And last year I started to know really where I wanted to go with the music and I was in the process of evolving to a more mature sound ; I was also seeing that it was not obviously the sound of existing labels, as I currently have a sound a little bit away from the main stream of fashion...;) So I preferred to settle my own label and just concentrate on my passion, the music. It lets me release all what I love in music, whatever people think about it ! This is also true for future releases coming from other artists : have the pleasure to make discover unknown talents !
I chose the name considering something that I like in music : the little dissonance that makes the soul of a melody. When I make music, I always try to suggest hidden melodies and to have them not so obvious, that's why I found DISSONANT would be the best to qualify what I wanted for the music. I hope the result is there, even if I often doubt about what I do... ;)

その少し前に"DISSONANT"を設立したんだけど、作った4曲入りEPを"Word and Sound"に聴いてもらったら「これはアルバムに入れるべきだ」って言われてね。アルバム制作は一大プロジェクトだし、僕はすごく拘りを持つ人間だから初めはこの話がどう進むかわからなかったけど、とにかくミッションを果たす感じで1曲1曲何100時間も音の調整に費やしたりして、論理的なミュージカルジャーニーを経験する貴重な体験ができたよ。結果的に素晴らしい経験が積めて、先に進めたような気がするよ。
When I moved last year to Ibiza, I built a new studio there, and I could have the chance to put an amazing sound-system. At that moment, I also wanted to change some things in my music and to make it evolve to a more organic sound… after trying and trying again, I finally found the sound I was looking for, with a first freaky deep-tech track called "All against the law". I produced several other tracks in the same mood. Just a little time before I had launched my own label DISSONANT, and when I let hear the forecasted 4-tracks EP to my vinyl distributor, Word and Sound, they told me that these tracks would deserve to be released within an album. Even if I was a little bit scared at the beginning to enter such a big project, because I knew that I am a psychotic perfectionist and that it would be a huge work. And it has really been like a mission, working hundreds of hours to fine-tune each track, and to obtain a coherent musical journey ! But at the end I am really happy because it forced me to make one step further ;)

I was in love with tINI's musical feeling, which is the perfect combination between deepness, sexiness, maturity on one side and powerful, serious, underground sound on the other side. On her side (and I didn't know she was there), she enjoyed a session I played at Fabric London as a clubber (as you see, tINI is also this kind of really passionated DJ, loving to just party on the dance floor !). And last October we played at the same festival in south of France, and after a little discussion, we went quickly to the conclusion that we should make music together : she came to the studio in イビザ, I got know one of her released tracks, which I loved, and we decided then to make this release. I am very happy because we have very strong feedbacks on this release, which confirms that tINI is one of the most interesting growing artists ! 繰り返しになってしまうけど、スタジオで何時間もかけて色んなバージョンを作ったんだ。リミックスはただ良い曲であるだけではなく、tINIの音楽の魅力をリスペクトしながらオリジナルと違った形で聴かせる事ができたらと思った。これは Re-UPに関しても同じことが言えるよ。
Once again, I spent hours and hours of studio tryings things, making various versions of it ! I wanted the remix to be not only a nice track, but also something respecting tINI's musical environment, while showing a different face of what could be this amazing original track... This was also the case for Re-UP who made the third remix of the reference. まず、Adam Beyerのレーベル"Truesoul"からEPをリリースするよ。僕のグルーヴを自由に表現することができる作品で、リアルテクノでパワフルなEPだから、僕にとって重要な1枚になるよ。なんといってもレジェンドAdam Beyerのレーベルでのプロジェクトだからね。あとは、DISSONANTからEPのリリースも予定してる。tINIのリリースの次はディープな作品。といっても僕がプレイするとどうしてもダンスフロアムーバーになってしまうんだけどね(笑)
Forthcoming is an EP on Adam Beyer's label Truesoul. I am really happy because this lets me express freely my taste for more techno grooves. And this EP will be a real techno powerful EP, which I really needed. And moreover this is a pleasure to make this project on Adam's label, because he belongs to the legends of techno !
I have also numerous EPs ready for Dissonant, and especially the next record after tINI's, which is another face of my taste, deeper, even if the track has turned to be always a dancefloor mover when I played it ;)

I am so excited to have the opportunity to play there, moreover in one of the clubs who always has been on top of my wish-list, and within Ooooze, which I heard from some friends, is an amazing party ! I prepared a lot of new things to make this party what we expect : a pure moment of delight and musical experience.