How is your label and Dirt Crew? It's been 6 long years since your last visit to Japan. What's been happening for Dirt Crew artists and the label?
レーベルは、すごく順調だよ!現在、僕のレーベルでは、Detroit Swindle、Waze & Odessey、Urulu & Steve Huerta などなど、多くの素晴らしい新人アーティストを抱えているんだ。
昨年から一気に爆発したといった感じだね。しかし、Till von Sien & Tigerskin、Chymera のビッグヒットが出る前、Mano Le Tough のデビューリリースは、あまり良いとは言えなかったよ。
The Label is doing really well! at the moment i am having a lot of great new artists on the label like Detroit Swindle, Waze & Odessey, Urulu & Steve Huerta etc etc. it is really exploding since the last year.. but also before we had the debut release of Mano Le Tough and big hits by Till von Sein & Tigerskin and Chymera.. so i am really happy with the way the label is going, i also started again doing vinyl which is great! I know it's such a long time ago i was in Japan the last time.. so i am really happy to finally come back! can't wait!

Please tell me what is the selling and appeal point of Dirt Crew as an artist?
今は、レーベルと抱えているアーティストの認知度アップために完全に集中し、いろいろと取組んでいるよ。YOSA、Ben La Desh、Last Mood などの新人アーティストを紹介できるのは、本当に素晴らしいことだよ。彼らは、ものすごく才能があるし、一緒に活動できて嬉しく思っている。
実は今、アーティスト、Dirt Crewとして音楽制作は行っていないんだ。レーベルの方で手一杯なので、そちらの方は、少し休みを取っている状態だね。DJに関しては毎週末してるよ。DJは、僕にとって全ての原動力なんだ!
At the moment i am really focussing only on the label and working for my artist to make them more well known, it's great that i could introduce a lot of upcoming producers like Yosa, Ben La Desh and Last Mood.. they are really talented and i'm very happy to work with them.. We are not making any music as Dirt Crew right now as i am too busy with the label so i am taking a little break from that.. but still Dj'ing every weekend.. so thats my main passion.

I think everyone in the music industry would love to know this - Dirt Crew is known to be engaged in DJ activities and label management but how do you position yourselves in the current music trend in the aspect of music business such as sales activities, promotion and fostering new artists?Also, can you tell us about the target for the label for the next few years?How are you going to build your position in five year's time, as the Dirt Crew artist?
僕は、今レーベルへ全べてを注いでいるんだ。自分の中でそれがメインとなっている。自分自身で良いプロモーションを行ってくことがとても重要だ。僕はDJだから、音楽に関しては自分でプレイしたい曲、自分が好きなものだけを手がけて行きたい。今、僕らの音楽スタイルは、ディープハウスと ガラージハウスだ。特に、Detroit SwindleとWaze & Odesseyのサウンドは、新しいDirt Crewを決定的にするサウンドなんだ。
I am working full on for the label now so thats the main point for me, also doing good promotion myself which is very important. I want to only do the music i like myself and that i can dj myself, right new we are all about Deep House and Garage House, especially with acts like Detroit Swindle and Waze & Odessey, thats the new sound for Dirt Crew..

Next year is the 10th anniversary of Dirt Crew, right? Congratulations!Do you have any special event in mind to cerebrate the special occasion?What do you think you have gained or achieved by keep on going for 10 years?
そう、もう10年になる!最初のリリースが2004年で、そこから始まったわけだからね。ここベルリンでDirt Crew Recordingsの昔からのアーティストや新しいアーティストなどを呼んでビッグパーティーをやるよ。
Yes already 10 years!! we started in 2004 with the first release, i am sure i will do a big party here in Berlin! with some old and new artist on the label..
- 相方のJAMES FLAVORがアメリカに移り住みましたが、レーベル運営やプロダクションで何か変化したことはありますか?
JAMES FLAVOUR has moved to America. Has anything changed as a result of that, in terms of label management and music production?
Yes, he moved 2 years ago to Vancouver, Canada.. Like i said we are not producing so much anymore and i am doing the label mostly from Berlin.
- 現在の曲作りの制作環境を教えてください。
Please let me know the environment for your music work.
Like i said at the moment we do not produce, so i only have a little studio set up at home, we used to have a really nice studio in Berlin, but moved out last year as we did not use that much anymore..
- 今注目する気鋭のアーティストやレーベルはありますか?
Are there any up-and-coming artists or labels that you are setting your eyes on at the moment?
う~ん、難しいね。Dirt Crewの素晴らしいアーティストにものすごい思い入れがあるからね、、、特に Detroit Swindleはどんどん良くなってどんどん人気も出ているんだ。他のレーベルで好きなのは、Freerange、Futureboogie、Throne of Blood。
Hhmm.. hard to tell, i am really into my own artists on Dirt Crew which is Great , especially Detroit Swindle who are getting bigger an bigger.. other labels i really like are Freerange, Futureboogie and Throne of Blood.
Are you still 'digging' old & new records?
僕自身にとってヴァイナルはもういらないかな、、、USBスティックを使ってしか今はDJしていないんだ。でもまだ古いトラックは、たくさんプレイしているよ。今は、レコードショップに行く時間があまりないのも事実だね。それに僕自身、自分のレーベルのリリースされていない曲をプレイすることが多いんだ。もちろん自分の家には膨大な数の古いレコードコレクションがあるよ!なんてったってDJをはじめて今年で20年だからね! 想像できるでしょ?
No more vinyl for me .. i am only dj'ing with USB sticks right now.. but i play a lot of old tracks still .. i just do not have time anymore to go to record stores that much, and i play so much unreleased music from my own label which is great too! I have a big collection of old records at home.. this year i am dj'ing since 20 years so you can imagine.

What is it that you are keeping in mind always for your djing?
I never have a plan really, it depends on the night and the people in the club what will play.. i can go really slow and deep or playing more harder tracks and even some techno like stuff....i am very eclectic really.. - Dirt Crewにとってアジアツアーの魅力はなにかありますか?
For Dirt Crew, what is the great appeal about touring Asia?
新しい場所を観ることや新しい人に出会うことが大好きで、彼らがどんな曲を聴くのか知るのもすごく興味があるね。簡単に言えば、旅行好き! あとアジア料理が好きだね.
I just love to see new places and meet new people and see what kind of music they listen to, very interesting to see.. i just love traveling.. and Asian Food. - 日本でのギグに向けてメッセージをください。
Please give us your message to Japanese fan.
I am really happy to be back ! and see some of my old Japanese Fans and of course meet a lot of new people! very happy also to be playing at Eleven for the first time, i have heard lots of good things about this club!
- Information -
タイトル:What You Want
出演:Dirt Crew(Break 3000), Supermaar(aka DJ MAAR), YOSA, Yoshi Horino(UNKNOWN season), Lounge: MASAYASU (MYSS), DJ WASHIO, DA MONDE, tsune23, Yusuke (The End)